Friday, June 4, 2010

on IYM'S MIND: Olde English 800

Olde English has garnered multiple awards. In 1991, 1992, 1994, and 1995 it was awarded a Gold medal in the American Malt Liquor category at the Great American Beer Festival (GABF). ... December 2009, Olde English 800 3.2 was rated the #1 "worst [beer] in the world as rated by the thousands of beer enthusiasts at"

"Olde Fortran," a parody of the beverage, appeared in the animated series Futurama.

Bender is a heavy drinker, smoker, and gambler and has been known as "pure evil". Bender often shows signs of sociopath-like behavior, as he is a pathological liar, and rarely shows empathy towards anyone.

He has a mostly voluntary morality and constantly steals, ranging from the petty theft of wallets to much higher crimes like kidnapping Jay Leno's head due to their long feud and stealing Fry's blood. Bender is a robot built by Mom's Friendly Robot Company at its plant in Tijuana, Mexico.

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