Monday, June 7, 2010

on IYM's MIND: Court

Small Claims Court
The business of small-claims courts typically encompasses small private disputes in which large amounts of money are not at stake, usually a maximum of $5,000 in most U.S. states. The routine collection of small debts forms a large portion of the cases brought to small-claims courts, as well as evictions and other disputes between landlords and tenants, unless the jurisdiction is already covered by a tenancy board.

Just in case, some terminology:
Guilty - I made a mistake, here’s my money, raise my insurance.
Guilty with an explanation - I made a mistake, but let me tell you why, before I give you my money, and you raise my insurance.
NoloContendere - It’s the Latin translation for “No Contest”. All right I’m guilty, but I just don’t want to tell you. Here’s my money, raise my insurance.
NOT Guilty - Does not necessarily mean that you did not commit the crime. All it means is that the prosecutor now has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you did commit the crime.

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